Modern prenuptial agreements

San Antonio couples interested in prenuptial agreements should learn all of the benefits of these marital contracts in today’s society.

Couples in San Antonio, Texas who are considering getting married can feel inundated with a large number of choices to make. One of the decisions that should be discussed is the development of a prenuptial agreement.

Remarriages and estate planning

While many people look at such discussions as potentially negative, that does not necessarily need to be the case. Premarital agreements today can be used to outline not only provisions if a divorce happens down the road but also estate planning choices with the clear goal that the couple remains married until death.

An article in The Daily News highlights the growing number of couples in America today who get married for the second, third or subsequent time. It is very common in these situations that at least one party in the new marriage has children from a prior marriage and may also even already have grandchildren.

The blending of extended families can make estate planning more complicated for couples but a prenuptial agreement can help to simplify this process. It is one way to outline the choices of each spouse even before the marriage happens. This can often put family members at ease. Provisions for belongings, financial assets, life insurance benefits and more can all be indicated in these documents.

Reputation preservation in the face of divorce

When a couple makes the difficult decision to file for divorce, concerns regarding property division, child custody and more can rise to the surface. However, those are not the only worries that people in today's society face when relationships end.

Fox News reported that more and more prenuptial agreements today include what are called social media clauses. These clauses outline what is and is not acceptable for each spouse to post on social media sites regarding the other person.

Legality, enforceability and reasonableness

One of the most important factors when developing any prenuptial agreement is to ensure that the provisions are considered to be reasonable. This includes clauses regarding social media use, estate planning wishes, assets and more. The Huffington Post notes that when partners attempt to make requirements of the other persons, their marital contracts may be in jeopardy of not being enforceable.

Another important element is the ability to show any true damage, such as loss of business that may result if one party breaks the provisions of any part of a prenup.

Getting legal input matters

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract. For this reason, it is important that persons interested in these contracts work with an attorney when creating them.

Keywords: prenuptial, contract, agreement